Remember when you were a little toddler in whatever school toddler's go to, and after a nice lunch you would take out your mat.... and take a small nap (hey that rhymes)? Well, wouldn't it be sweet if high school-ers and middle school-ers, even elementary school-ers still had that special time once a day to simply take a nap? BUT wouldn't it even be even more sweeter, If the old, useless and unresponsive school district(s) actually implemented naps once a day even if it called for adding 1 extra hour of school? It doesn't even have to be once a day, a simple every other day would do the job. As students, parents, and even teachers, can you realize the endless amounts of possibilities and improvements a simple nap could have? There would be more responsive learning, and a generally more lively and alert group of students. Wouldn't it be great if a teacher had students that was a lot more interested and focused on what the teacher was teaching? From personal experience, when one begins to put his or her head down during the middle of class, it not because the teacher's lecture is boring, but because WE'RE FRIKIN TIRED! If I was this Admin person with powers to change the school system, I would outline a day of a students around this general plan:
1. Come to School
2. Do whatever "school stuff does"
3. Lunch
4. NAP!!!!
5. Recess/ Exercise
6. More School Stuff
7. ...... More School Stuff
8. Day ends and go home
You see how I strategically placed "Recess/ Exercise" right after "Lunch"? Well that's because it serves a vital importance. You see, after a student eats his lunch, the student often feels a feeling of drowsiness and laziness to do anything. So then BOOM! You give him the nap instead of a lecture, whoever wants to take a nap can sleep for maybe a 30 min. to 1 hour, and any one that can't can just lay down and relax. Then after nap time is done, BOOM! you vitalize the student back again with Exercising and Recess. After all that, BOOM! the student now is probably feeling energetic and fully alert from the nap... and ready to learn. Now there are probably tons of flaws in this "general outline" of mine, but going past that. Hopefully you can see the importance and potential a nap has. And who knows, maybe this simple nap can completely change the lives of many.
A hypothetical situation and effect of a school nap:
Mom: How was school today.... George?
George: ....... like...... TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I learned sooooooooo much stuff today!!! =]
Mom: Well, my, my, I'm awfully glad I agreed to allowing those school naps ;)
George: I'm happy too!! I'm going to go up to my room now and do homework and advanced physics!
Mom: No advanced physics tonight honey.
George: But mom......... I love learning!
Mom: George, as a third grader. I want you to keep up with what you are learning, and nothing new.
George:..................... well you're just a noob then.
5 Post a Comment!!:
Lol david
Only theoretically haha
you know, in China, they actually do this. you should point this out to the school admins, then point out how the Chinese ppl are kicking the Americans' arses in pretty much everything. including advanced physics.
What you said David makes me feel so much better, because when I teach I often see students resting their heads on the desk -- so it's good to know that's just because they're tired and not that I'm boring ... hahaha ...
Honestly I often need a quick nap after lunch myself and I agree that even a 15-minute nap can make quite a difference ...
And I really like the hypothetical conversation between George and his mum ... How come George talks a bit like you, David? XD
This is amusing... haha continue!!
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