Monday, June 28, 2010


Isn't it funny that during school, I manage to at least get 1 blog post a week done..... and now it's summer and I can't manage to even get 1 done a month? Who said procrastination was a bad thing in school? Anyways, I don't really have much to talk about besides talking about random stuff itself. And to start things off..... I hate summer....
You could be all like "Oh Ma GOD? WAT? YOU FREAK! YOU HATE SUMMER?1?!?!" I hate summer because although summer is truly the greatest time to have fun-z, about 75.13162124% of the time I'm just sitting around at home.... playing games, watching some Te3VEe, stalking little kids on Facebook (just kidding). And to be honest, I'd rather be at school, where I was forced to do something useful. And it's not like I want to be in this situation, I applied to currently 18+ job locations around my city... yes... not neighborhood or area.... but city..... annddd................. they've all rejected me. Actually, they didn't actually reject me, they just never contacted me ever since I applied, and when I call them, they're all like:

Me: "Hello! (trying to sound happy and interested), I applied here a few weeks ago, and I'm just calling to see whether I got accepted or not??!?"
Them: ....................
Me: Hello?
Them: "uhhhhhhHhhHhHhhhhh.......... have you applied yet?
Me: =.= ........ Yes............... I have applied online...... using the internet........ from my computer
Them: Oh, well if we're hiring we'll call you
Me: Well OBVIOUSLY IF YOU CALLED ME THEN THIS CALL WOULD NOT EXIST......... (<- ok I didn't really say that.... but I thought that)

Me: Oh.. really? (=.= .... just say you don't want me..... please....) ummm.... when will they call me?
Them: I don't know, my manager usually does that stuff
Me: Ok I see.....
Them: Anything else?
Me: No, that's all, well thank you for hel- they hang up..... 

Anyways to keep this long and sad story short.... I'm still looking for a job....... so that I don't accidentally brutally murder myself from boredom at home.... And the moral of the story is?????


Thanks for reading!

6 Post a Comment!!:

Vaughan said...

I appreciate your perseverance in looking for a job, David! Well it's hard to actually land a job, but you still have time and hopefully something will be coming your way!
I've read somewhere that you're planning on majoring in business in college? That's a neat idea ... So English can't really capture your heart after all ... hahaha

Chee154 said...

Well.............. it's easier to get a job if I major in business....... well that's what I heard........ plus...... I think I might be better in it. I dunno.

Vaughan said...

Business is a good choice, too. And with a business degree it's probably easier to get a job in the commercial market -- that's for sure ... =)

Anonymous said...

Apply to work at Yogurtland!

Chee154 said...

ZOMG! Is Yogurtland hiring? I didn't try applying to places like that...... probably way "overapplied" at

Anonymous said...

WTH is yogurtland?

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