Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inception Explained

So I saw Inception the other day, and was mind blown at it's simplistic complexity. So that night, I stayed up composing this theory that I find explains the confusion: BTW.... if you haven't seen the movie yet I advice you to not read this.....

The first "level" is just reality, of them getting on the plane and such.

The first dream (2nd level) from reality is the Indian guys (he drinks champagne therefore in his dream it rains, sorta like when you need to pee, you dream water, etc.) so that he can drive the van with his own conscious to start the first kick.

The second dream (3rd level) is Arthur's so that he can control the blowing up of the building/elevator (second kick)

The third dream (4th level) is Eames so that he can blow up the snow fortress (third kick) and allow Fischer to complete his task (planting the seed). Remember that they originally planned to have only 3 levels of dreaming.

The fourth dream, or 5th "level" is commonly believed to be "limbo". But it's NOT. Because in order to be in limbo you have to die. But Cobb and Ariende didn't die; they basically just dreamed again. Fischer is presumed dead, BUT .... I'll explain further on. Notice to see how the Saito is no where in this 5th level.

Cobb is for sure killed by his psycho wife (he did get stabbed in the heart a couple of times....) in the 5th level so he goes to limbo, where WOW he sees Saito... because Saito died as well. So that is the limbo they're talking about.

Then what is the 5th level? That's just another realm of the dream, so how did Fischer and Ariande get back to the 4th level? The movie earlier says how you need a simultaneous kick... so when Ariende fell that was the bomb going off, and Fischer, the aed defibrillator that Eams used while falling off the building. Whether Fischer was truly dead or not, the movie is unclear. But I think that he wasn't fully dead (like Saito), so he couldn't have gone into limbo.... yet.

So then the kicks just go in order from there on as seen in the movie. But what about Cobb and Saito? They're in limbo so how did they seem to come back to life? Well I have 2 split theories for there

1 (I believe this the most). Saito shot Cobb, Cobb shot Saito... (the gun...) thus killing themselves from Limbo back INTO reality. The spinning top at the end has no real significance, just to spur further thought about the movie. Cuz if the top just fell, everybody will be like "oh right, of course... I get it..." Another reason for this is, Cobb has a ring on his finger when in a dream, but none when in reality. The end scene depicts Cobb NOT having a ring on his finger.... thus meaning he's in reality. Additionally, another reason that sorta adds on to why the ending of the movie is in REALITY; notice that when he's in the van. That's the second stage of dreaming from reality. Like reality ---> dream. So when he DIES in the van, he'll just come to his conscious in reality. Because you ONLY go to limbo if you die in a deep state of dreaming, but in the case of the van, that's only the second level. Therefore his friends wouldn't need to rescue him, because they know he's going to be alive anyway. Because remember in order to come back to conscious, you need either a kick or to killed. In this case, Cobb is killed because he drowned.

2. Cobb and Saito is still in limbo, and the end scene is just another level of Cobb's dream within that state of limbo.

Or..... like what I originally thought..... the whole thing is Cobb's dream. Everything you saw in the movie, the people, the events, that's all his subconsciousness.

Random points:
1. Cobb's kids seem to be wearing the SAME shirts... but later they have different shoes. IMBD lists 2 different sets of actors... hmmm .......
2. The intense booming theme song is just the opera song played super slow
3. Ellen Page is like.... super hot/cute/beautiful.......

So if you actually think about this movie, the movie in itself is an "inception". Something that plants a seed into the mind of the viewer.... to either think about the movie or the message it's trying to get across. Quite witty Christopher Nolan.... quite witty..... 

LOL so that's my theory

Thanks for reading!

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