Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inception Explained

So I saw Inception the other day, and was mind blown at it's simplistic complexity. So that night, I stayed up composing this theory that I find explains the confusion: BTW.... if you haven't seen the movie yet I advice you to not read this.....

The first "level" is just reality, of them getting on the plane and such.

The first dream (2nd level) from reality is the Indian guys (he drinks champagne therefore in his dream it rains, sorta like when you need to pee, you dream water, etc.) so that he can drive the van with his own conscious to start the first kick.

The second dream (3rd level) is Arthur's so that he can control the blowing up of the building/elevator (second kick)

The third dream (4th level) is Eames so that he can blow up the snow fortress (third kick) and allow Fischer to complete his task (planting the seed). Remember that they originally planned to have only 3 levels of dreaming.

The fourth dream, or 5th "level" is commonly believed to be "limbo". But it's NOT. Because in order to be in limbo you have to die. But Cobb and Ariende didn't die; they basically just dreamed again. Fischer is presumed dead, BUT .... I'll explain further on. Notice to see how the Saito is no where in this 5th level.

Cobb is for sure killed by his psycho wife (he did get stabbed in the heart a couple of times....) in the 5th level so he goes to limbo, where WOW he sees Saito... because Saito died as well. So that is the limbo they're talking about.

Then what is the 5th level? That's just another realm of the dream, so how did Fischer and Ariande get back to the 4th level? The movie earlier says how you need a simultaneous kick... so when Ariende fell that was the bomb going off, and Fischer, the aed defibrillator that Eams used while falling off the building. Whether Fischer was truly dead or not, the movie is unclear. But I think that he wasn't fully dead (like Saito), so he couldn't have gone into limbo.... yet.

So then the kicks just go in order from there on as seen in the movie. But what about Cobb and Saito? They're in limbo so how did they seem to come back to life? Well I have 2 split theories for there

1 (I believe this the most). Saito shot Cobb, Cobb shot Saito... (the gun...) thus killing themselves from Limbo back INTO reality. The spinning top at the end has no real significance, just to spur further thought about the movie. Cuz if the top just fell, everybody will be like "oh right, of course... I get it..." Another reason for this is, Cobb has a ring on his finger when in a dream, but none when in reality. The end scene depicts Cobb NOT having a ring on his finger.... thus meaning he's in reality. Additionally, another reason that sorta adds on to why the ending of the movie is in REALITY; notice that when he's in the van. That's the second stage of dreaming from reality. Like reality ---> dream. So when he DIES in the van, he'll just come to his conscious in reality. Because you ONLY go to limbo if you die in a deep state of dreaming, but in the case of the van, that's only the second level. Therefore his friends wouldn't need to rescue him, because they know he's going to be alive anyway. Because remember in order to come back to conscious, you need either a kick or to killed. In this case, Cobb is killed because he drowned.

2. Cobb and Saito is still in limbo, and the end scene is just another level of Cobb's dream within that state of limbo.

Or..... like what I originally thought..... the whole thing is Cobb's dream. Everything you saw in the movie, the people, the events, that's all his subconsciousness.

Random points:
1. Cobb's kids seem to be wearing the SAME shirts... but later they have different shoes. IMBD lists 2 different sets of actors... hmmm .......
2. The intense booming theme song is just the opera song played super slow
3. Ellen Page is like.... super hot/cute/beautiful.......

So if you actually think about this movie, the movie in itself is an "inception". Something that plants a seed into the mind of the viewer.... to either think about the movie or the message it's trying to get across. Quite witty Christopher Nolan.... quite witty..... 

LOL so that's my theory

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Am I Tired Or Just Lazy?

For the past months, I've been living in a world of continuum..... Everything I do today seems to play back tomorrow. There is no "effect" for my "cause", no evident "result" for my "action". Just doing. Doing what? I have no definite answer, rather a melange of instances where I find my self conscious of what I'm doing. Look at the past day, week, and month...... I can only remember myself waking up, lunch, dinner, watch movies/YouTube till  2AM, sleep. Rinse and repeat. What I do in between these things is so minute in detail that it is near impossible to include them in written schedule. Sometimes I go outside and play with butterflies, sometimes I watch a movie, sometimes I go hang out with friends....... but most of time, I just walk around the house dazed doing bits and bits of random things that have no real finale. Like a book that was never finished because the author died in a tragic accident involving communist aliens and prehistoric dinosaurs. 
So am I just lazy or am I tired? I'd like to think I'm just tired, a form of self denial to obscure that fact that I have no prominent goal. A menacing kind of cure that temporarily relieves depression. Taking the truth and enslaving it to do what I please. But the truth is that I am lazy. How could I possibly be tired if I have daily agenda that requires little or no physical effort? I live in a half shut semi open view of the people around me, like I'm directing the lives of others even though I'm invisible. 
So am I lazy or just depressed? The book of definitions (dictionary) defines lazy as "one who is disinclined to work, causing indolence". But I'm not disinclined to work, nor unwilling to do things. And if not any of that, how can I be indolent? Actually, it's not really a matter of willingness to work, but rather a lack of forced work to do. If you had read my earlier posts, my current state of employment would justify my absence of work. Or labor. I have no preference between work or labor. Anything except "just doing". So I will assume that I'm depressed now? Depressed over that exactness that I have nothing to do? 
I've never quite categorized myself as of those people with sullen drawn faces bearing disconsolate hopes. I always thought of myself as the complete opposite, who made their depression a joke. Not to be mean, but to shield myself away from their aura of negativity. So I can't quite come to the summation that I'm depressed. But am I? Am I really just depressed? I heard from someone that the more depressed you think you are, the more depressed you actually become. So what do I do? Tell myself I'm happy? :) !? Try to conceal the problems that obstruct me from being genuinely happy? Pray to a God that goes directly to voice mail? Impermanent activities are all cover ups that fall off after it's finished, after the hype has quelled and the fun has passed. 
So what do I do now? Keep being sad and depressed, feeding my own "aura of negativity"? 
Lending toward depression is a way for losers. People who can't face the truth, and void the truth even if they are aware of the truth. Doesn't matter what age, or level of wisdom. Ignoring depression says that you're a loser. A roadblock to destroy and decapitate, not sweetening up to it. 
Like always, thanks for reading my blog! However, there is one main point that you as a reader must realize; this specific blog isn't for you. It's for myself.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Yay 100 people viewed....... !....... ? 0.0

Ok this is going to be short..... but approximatively  5.3 seconds ago... I looked into my blogger's "profile". And there, I saw that I have officially reached 100 VIEWS. I know that's probably nothing compared to those super awesome-popular-famous-uber-special bloggers with 1 BILLION views. But it's heart warming just to know that some random person actually read this stuff........ in a non stalker predatory way. And besides, 100 is like the holy grail of achievements........ the best of best...... the 10 of 10...... so it's pretty KOOL that I witnessed such a thing. Because if I looked at the "profile views"......... and it said something like "103".......... then it's not special. Because its 103, and 103 isn't as KOOL as 100. 103 is a like a deformity in numbers.... it's a PRIME......... and primes are losers in the eyes of other numbers. Their like lowest of the lowest......... the ones who didn't go to number college to be a whole number. To be complete and even. When they apply to mathematical equation jobs, the primes SUCK....... they divide into decimals.... and decimals aren't WHOLE. And it you're not WHOLE, then your INCOMPLETE..... and if your INCOMPLETE........... wtf am I talking about??? 

Anyways............................... special thanks to the 100 people (esp. Vaughan =]) who read this blog. And I hope that you continue on to read. Or else. You............................ become prime......................... ew

Asian People And Their Hair.........

Have you ever seen the movie Harry Potter? Or even better....... read the book? Now in the movie/book, there's this nasty super evil guy called Voldemort... I will just call him V-Man. And basically to keep things short, V-Man separated his soul into a bunch of different things called Horcruxes.... so that he's IMMORTAL. In reality, the hair (on the head.......) of most Asian people is the Horcrux of their soul and character. Their hair defines who they are, it provides confidence and happiness when it looks good, while also shaming them when it's not "done" and perfect. You could be all like "but wait!!!?!!? Doesn't the hair style of ANYBODY define who they are? And not just Asian people alone?" Well counterargument thought, I like to see Asian people as the mother of hair fashion..... that gave birth to little followers the sense that their hair....... should have a personality of its own. Its a funny thought to know that there are infinite amounts of females AND males that spend countless hours in front of a mirror.... looking at their hair...... fixing their hair....... having an intrinsic LD debate with their hair...... when roughly 1800 years ago..... people were forced to have one hair style....... OR BE EXECUTED!!!!!!!!!! When I look at guys today looking at a mirror, with their middle finger ever so gently moving 10 strands of hair to the right side of face, without disrupting the rest of his hair ecosystem.... It is hard for me to accept them as men. It almost feels like a extremely sinewy female, wearing a slightly faded black sleeveless shirt doing squat thrusts...... whatever a squad thrust is....... if you get the picture.... it's just wrong. Since when was it normal for a man to emulate the actions of a woman....... and sometimes..... dress like a woman ... *ehmmm*ehmm**cought*  South Korean fashion *cough*cough* .................*faint*
Then you have all the little girls and boy-girls... and girly boys that try to just follow how every one else is dressing to "fit in".... and soon enough....... you have guys with hair as long as girls..... wearing jeans so skinny, that it replaces their skin...... all while fixing their hair. I know one guy, I won't say the name..... that is proved by several sources, who fixes their hair 30 minutes every morning. Every morning. For what reasons? I dunno........ maybe it's because he's trying to fit in? Maybe it's a fashion statement? Maybe because he thinks it looks good on him.... but most importantly.......... is it necessary? If you leave long hair in the winter because it keeps your head warm... props to you. I do the same. But if you're still leaving the long spiked on the left side but only fairly spiked on the other, but curved to the left on the front..... in ninety degree weather. Something is wrong. If you have read one of my earlier blog posts "Make-Up?" (, the situation explained there is very similar to the problem with the obsession over hair. People who has invested their hair as a Horcrux of their character call it "it looks good on me", but I call it pure conformity. If every male was to go bald in this world, because they thought it was the new style, would a person who thought their hair looked good, still obsess over the style of his hair? I don't understand why, when looking into a crowd of Asian teens, they truly DO LOOK THE SAME. They all try mimic one style, have one style of hair with only slight variations. As if their life goal is to look like a cartoon anime character..... and their SAT scores xD

As for me, I don't have any hair, so I can't really "fashion it up". 

But thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The SAT is GAY... Part. 1

I hate the SAT......... the PSAT......... the ACT......... the NMSQT.......... the IHAVENOLIFEEXCEPTSTUDYING-T........ If you don't know what any of this is, the SAT and its horrid companions are a national test that basically act as a strong influence in deciding what colleges you go to. And I'd like to say that it's F9CK3D UP. It's not considered "mandatory" because no one is really forced  to take it, but if you don't ... then go don't go to college... but watevs...... If you're still like "omg? wtf is this SAT you speak of?", here's a basic run through of what this piece of tihS is:

1. There's 4 sections; the Math/Reading/Writing/Essay
2. Each section can get a max score of 800, and the "perfect-I-have-no-life" score is a 2400
3. In the context of this "society" .... it basically determines how smart you are........

I'd first off like to say how flawed this thing is.... the Math section doesn't really show "wow, you have potential to do great in the future, or that what plan to major in doesn't involve math..... at all"... but rather..... "hey I like math..... therefore I'll get a better score.....". The Reading section doesn't show "wow, you are very inquisitive and show a understanding of a passage", but rather "hey I know this random @ss word, and I like to read everything fast and understand the surface of things..... therefore colleges see that I understand what line 42's general idea is....". The Writing section doesn't really show "I live in a world where such things as spell check exists, and that writer's have such things as publishers... o.0 that correct grammatical errors for a living"... but rather "hey I still remember what I learned in 3rd grade because schools don't teach grammar anymore". And last but not least, the Essay...... the most flawed and useless section of them all. It doesn't really show "I possess the ability to write a eloquent paper or even book".... but rather "hey I can write a b-s paper in less than 20 minutes! About a topic that has no relevance to anything, but still determines what college I go to! =]" 


This test just isn't made for the "general public", they don't understand that there are people out there that DESPISE math, and USE SPELL CHECK, TEND TO OVER THINK SOME THINGS and ENJOY WRITING ABOUT RELEVANT SHIT. And they don't show the fact that although a person may have gotten a perfect score, they're shy and seclusive to the people around them and don't really play in impact in this world. In the mystic world of Asian people, your SAT scores determine whether you will be successful in life or not. Literally. Parents idolize other children that had perfect or near perfect scores........... but not the fact that they have no friends, and enjoy injecting heroin into their forearms. But who carezzZ??? It's the SAT scores that matter most in life...... 

I will continue this post in the near future............ 

But... thanks for reading !!.......